South Dakota

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The special meeting of the City of Scotland was called to order by Mayor Curtis Hofer at 5:00pm on Monday, October 29, 2018. The following council members answered to roll call Tim Asche, Victor Settje (Via Phone), Dennis Bietz, Sean Barrett, and Randy Thum. Those council members absent were Ron Dvorak.  Others present were Finance Officer Tanya Bult, City Police Officer Brian Humphrey, Rhonda Isaak, and Peggy Schelske.  

A motion was made by Bietz, second by Thum to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Board of Adjustments:
Residential with Conditional Use Variance Hearing - Rhonda Isaak, located at 430 Williams Street, Scotland, SD pursuant to Section 9.01 of the City of Scotland Municipal Ordinances (SMO) hereby applied for a Conditional Use Variance (Special Exception) to Section 9.0105 of the SMO. She would like to operate her hair salon business out of her place of residence located at 430 Williams Street.  Conditional Use Variance, if granted, would allow her to operate her commercial hair salon in a residential district. No persons interested appeared and showed cause why such special exception should not be granted. A motion was made by Asche, second by Thum to approve the commercial use in a residential district. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Side Yard Set Back Variance Hearing – Rhonda Isaak, located at 430 Williams Street, Scotland, SD pursuant to Section 9.01 of the City of Scotland Municipal Ordinances (SMO) hereby applied for a Variance (Special Exception) to Section 9.0110 of the SMO. She intends to build an addition onto the garage on the property located at 430 Williams Street.  The side setback should be 8 feet according to Ordinance No. 9.0110 and is asking for a 6 foot allowance. Variance, if granted, would be for a 2 foot side setback from the west property line instead of 8 feet. No persons interested appeared and showed cause why such special exception should not be granted. A motion was made by Thum, second by Bietz to approve the 2 foot side setback from the west property line instead of the 8 feet. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Bietz to enter into executive session at 5:09pm for Personnel as per SDCL 1-25-2 Sub (1) - Chief of Police Interviews. All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Bietz to come out of executive session at 6:54pm no action taken. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Bietz, second by Asche to adjourn the meeting at 6:55pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
                                                                                                                Cutis Hofer, Mayor         

                   Tanya Bult, Finance Officer