Helmets and Ice Cream
We have started a program to encourage and reward children for properly wearing bicycle helmets. The goal is to increase helmet usage, develop safe habits and prevent injuries. This program is only possible because of support from local groups and businesses.
Officer Humphrey and I will be handing out coupons that can be exchanged at the Main Stop for a free small ice cream cone. We probably won’t see you every time you are wearing your helmet but hopefully we will not miss you too often.
Children under 14 who are properly wearing a bicycle helmet while riding a bike, rollerblading, skateboarding on a push scooter can receive a coupon they can exchange at the Main Stop for a small ice. If adults are riding with their children and properly wearing a helmet the adults can also get a coupon for setting a good example.
We hope this will become an annual program and that our kids develop the habit of wearing their bike helmets instead of just leaving them on the shelf or floor.
If you would like to contribute to his program, cash donations can be given to Tanya in the Finance Office. Checks made out to the City of Scotland with a memo that it is for the ice cream program can be given to Tanya, Officer Humphrey or myself.
Helmets and Ice Cream Supporters: