The regular meeting of the City of Scotland was called to order by Mayor Curtis Hofer at 5:00 pm on Monday, October 10, 2016. The following council members answered to roll call Joe Bouza, Randy Thum, H. Victor Settje, Ron Dvorak, Sean Barrett, and Tim Asche.  Others present were Finance Officer Tanya Bult, City Maintenance Employee Ray Beecher, Chief of Police Kirk McCormick, Del Gran, Greg Gemar, Peggy Schelske, and Damon Alvey. The 12th of September meeting minutes were approved upon a motion made by Thum, second by Barrett. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Finance Officer’s Report - In September forty-three notices of intent to disconnect service letters were mailed out with two being disconnected. September’s water percentage loss was 14%. August Building Permits: Kristy Furney - Shingles & Concrete; James Streyle - Windows & Concrete; Tom Gordon - Shingles; John Settje - Fence; Larry Kishbaugh - Remodel. September Building Permits: Brian Humphrey - New House; Jody Smith - Remodel; H. Victor Settje - Demolish Part of Lumber Yard; Brian Fuks - Remodel; Scotland Chiropractic - Shingles. The bills were presented and a motion was made by Barrett, second by Settje to approve the bills.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

City Bills Presented By:
AFLAC     Employee Insurance     $373.51
B-Y WATER DISTRICT     7,253,000 Gallons     $22,601.30
BOB GREEN     Reimbursement: Light Globe     $554.40
CENTRAL FARMERS COOP     Diesel      $82.03
CENTRAL STATES LAB     Sewer Supplies     $7,842.03
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Finance Office     $1,884.96
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Library     $684.61
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Police     $2,356.79
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Rubble Site     $410.59
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Sewer     $1,437.29
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Streets     $1,698.90
CITY OF SCOTLAND     Water Deposit: Moore, Bjorum     $168.96
DAKOTA DATA SHRED     Document Destruction     $48.30
DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP     Water Supplies     $482.83
EMERGENCY CARE COUNCIL     1/2 on EMT Call Pay     $120.00
FIRST CHIROPRACTIC CENTER     DOT Drug & Alcohol Test     $74.00
FIRST NATIONAL BANK     Clean Water #1     $4,358.43
FIRST NATIONAL BANK     Clean Water #2     $10,523.60
FIRST NATIONAL BANK     Drinking Water #1     $2,791.53
GIEDD SANITATION     Residential Garbage Service     $5,235.00
GOLDEN WEST COMMUNICATIONS     Phone, Internet, and Fax     $354.44
HATCH FURNITURE & FLOORING     Meeting Room Flooring     $2,776.21
IRS     Employee Withholding     $2,593.57
KAISER APPLIANCE CENTER     Trimmer & Supplies     $273.50
KENT LEHR     Attorney Fees     $286.30
KIRK MCCORMICK     Reimbursement: Cell Phone & Class     $70.00
MAIN STOP     Gasoline     $312.13
MAXWELL COLONY     Weed Spraying: Cemetery/Park     $1,340.50
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electricity / Natural Gas     $5,522.42
OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY     Odyssey Operator w/ Remote     $430.00
ROBERT B MOORE     Water Deposit Refund     $6.04
ROBERT ROWE     Install New Flooring     $1,326.00
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Repairs/Maintenance & Supplies     $32.93
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Notices      $356.04
SCOTTIE STOP     Gasoline     $134.12
SD ASSOCIATION OF RURAL WATER     2017 Annual Dues     $460.00
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - SALES TAX     Sales Tax - Camping, Garbage     $500.31
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - WATER SAMPLE     Samples - Water      $15.00
SD RETIREMENT     Employee Retirement     $1,475.04
SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT     Supplemental Employee Retirement     $680.00
TYNDALL NAPA     Oil     $5.98
WELLMARK BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD     Employee Health Insurance     $2,746.00

Ambulance Bills Presented By:
A-OX WELDING SUPPLY     Oxygen     $189.54
AMBILL ASSOC.     Billing (13 claims)     $455.00
AMBULANCE WAGES     On Call / Trips     $554.09
CENTRAL FARMERS COOP     Diesel     $75.48
CORNER GROCERY     Soda     $39.97
IRS     Employee Withholding     $91.82
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Supplies     $7.99
SCOTLAND OIL     Diesel     $14.30
SCOTTIE STOP     Diesel     $22.01

Chief of Police - Traffic Enforcement - Speed: 3; Other: 1. Responded to - Domestic: 2; Agency Assist: 2; Alarm: 2; Misc: 6; Parking: 1; Drugs: 1; Animal: 5; Welfare Check: 1; Driving: 1; Burglary: 1; Crash: 1; Noise Complaint: 1. Reports - Domestic: 2; Drug, Trespass, Helipad Damage, Crash.  Arrests - Juvenile for Possession of Marijuana at School.  Code Enforcement - Opened: 0. Closed: 8. Other - Child Protection Team Meeting.

City Maintenance Employee Report - Topkote was in town last week and completed the mill work and patching. Draining water lines at ball fields getting ready for colder weather. Aerator is shorting out in the water tower.

Address Public Concerns:
Damon Alvey stated the school board is moving forward on the auxiliary gym project, he wanted to make the city aware of the progress. The architect is working on updating the preliminary plans for construction on the northwest portion of campus. At this time the school is seeking proposals for a construction manager. In a few months the school will have an updated drawing to consider sending out for bids in January or February. 

Del Gran expressed his concerns relating to a property line dispute between 910 Curry and 920 Curry. Gran was requesting that if any building permits or variances are filed near the property line the Mayor and/or council denies the request until the property line dispute is settled.

Council Concerns/Committee Reports:
Bouza - None
Thum - Concerns of the unevenness of the patch work that was just completed by Topkote.
Settje - None
Dvorak - None
Barrett - Demolition of dilapidated homes in town.
Asche - None
Hofer - Requested the streets and alley committee address the drainage issue between Zweifel and Kocer properties on Curry Street.

Pool Maintenance Update – The pool committee met with the city guys to go over the needed repairs at the pool. It was decided that first step would be filters and sand work as the city guys could undertake that themselves. Second step is the surge tank to seal the tank to stop the leakage of water that is flooding the basement. Third step is replacing the probes to the chemical controller. Once these steps are completed they will meet and prioritize the next repairs.

Scotland Housing Commission – Greg Gemar spoke on behalf of the housing commission. They have met with district III and have several new options to consider with more flexibility.

Street Repair Update - Topkote was in town last week and completed the mill work and patching. Topkote did extra work on Second Street which put the billing over the original $30,000 agreed upon. The council has some concerns that the patching was not filled in enough to meet with the existing road. Beecher was asked to phone Topkote to see if they can level some of the patched areas.  

Water Tower Repair – Beecher explained to the council that Nikki from Utility Service Group out of Montrose stopped by with her crew to inspect the water tower. One of the crew members stated that the water tower is in good shape but would encourage relining the tank at some point. We have written a letter to South Central Water District requesting grant monies to help with the cost of repairs to the tower. Mayor Hofer, Randy Thum, and Ray Beecher will be attending that meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2016.

Aramark Services – Finance Office Bult requested to get mats that are picked up and cleaned on a regular basis due to the new flooring. Bult received a quote from Aramark for a minimum of $15.00 weekly or every other week. The council requested that Bult get a few more quotes from Servall and Dust-Tex.  

Hire Library Aid – A motion was made by Barrett, second by Settje to hire Tina VanDriel @ $8.75 per hour as a Library Aid part time. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Set meeting date for the November Meeting - The November council meeting will be on Monday, November 14, 2016 at 5:00 pm.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to adjourn the meeting at 5:58 pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

                                                                                                                Curtis Hofer, Mayor       

                    Tanya Bult, Finance Officer


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