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The Library Board meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Gemar at 7:00pm on Monday, November 28, 2022. The following board members were present Damon Mogck, Kim Abbink, Kristyn Walloch and Rachel  Starwalt (7:05pm). Those board members absent were Dennis Bietz, and Nick Smith. Others present were DenAlta Patocka, Julia Dangel, Tanya Bult and Becca Vitek (7:05pm).

The August minutes were reviewed.

Third quarter monthly statistics were reviewed.

Treasurer Report - Donations were received from the Bargain Shoppe and Memorials in Memory of Jerry Nelson. Current Balance is $6,246.40

No Library Board updates at this time.

City Library Director Update - Concerns with library staff processing returned books and shelf placement. Patrons worried about library availability if no librarian is available. Bult stated she has worked at the library a year and still asks questions and continues to learn. Bult welcomed anyone who wanted to read the joint policy manual to request the binder from a city librarian. The position at times is overwhelming but thankful she has three other staff members to assist her. 

No School Librarian update was available.

Accreditation - The application has been completed and submitted. Board continuing education topics will be provided and discussed during the library board update spot.

Public Concerns:
A question was asked if the school was going to hire a full time librarian. Walloch stated that the position is administrative assistant with library duties. Are the state guidelines for the library being met? Kids are getting discourage to visit the library as the consistent flow is no longer there. Due to this inconsistency we are losing our young readers. Gemar stated the agreement states the library should be open from 9am - 3pm or 9am - 8pm. Mogck stated that the reading scores have gone up tremensly this year from last year.

As a library board are the library expectations being met? Does the staff have the training they need to work in the library? Gemar stated the city pays for city librarians to attend four years of library institute for training. Are the library patrons expectations to high? Gemar stated that concerned citizens should attend library board meetings. Mogck stated that he would be their advocate with school concerns.  Gemar apologized for not having all the answers the board should.

Dangel questioned what staff was supposed to do in an uneasy situation.  Is there an emergency/panic button to alert authorities? Gemar stated in the past the city officer would stop and do a walk through. Bult will visit with Steve Flett regarding options available.

Next meeting date is set for Monday, February 27, 2023 at 7pm.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Walloch, second by Starwalt to adjourn the meeting at 7:57pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
ATTEST:                                                                                                SCOTLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY
______________________________                                                ______________________________
Tanya Bult, City Library Director                                                          JoAnn Gemar, President