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The Library Board meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Gemar at 7:01pm on Monday, November 27, 2023. The following board members were present Damon Mogck, Dennis Bietz, Kim Abbink, Rachel Starwalt and Kristyn Walloch. Others present were Linda Pederson and Tanya Bult.

The February minutes were reviewed.

Statistics - No report available at this time.

Treasurer Report - Current balance is $7,646.40. A $1,000 donation from the Bargain Shoppe was received. There was a discussion regarding the importance of volunteering at the Bargain Shoppe.

Library Board - Gemar and Starwalt will reach their term limit in February of 2024. The board will need to fill these vacancies with one school district (rural) trustee and one city resident trustee.

City Library Director Updates - Bult has successfully met the standards for certification as a grade 3 library director.

School Librarian Updates - No report available at this time.

Gemar inquired about a Libby user class. Bult stated OverDrive offers monthly sessions so you can learn about Libby from OverDrive experts. Classes are held on a Wednesday at either 11am or 2pm depending on the month. The link to sign up for the class can be found on the Scotland Community Library Facebook page.

Gemar suggested the library start a book club again. It inspires meaningful connections through reading and discussions.

Public Concerns - Bietz stated at the August meeting it was suggested to submit the hours sign bill to the school. Who paid the $185 bill to change the hours on the sign? The school paid half and the city paid the other half.

Next meeting date is set for Monday, February 26, 2024 at 7pm.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Bietz, second by Starwalt to adjourn the meeting at 7:21pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
ATTEST:                                                                                      SCOTLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY
______________________________                                        ______________________________
Tanya Bult, City Library Director                                                 JoAnn Gemar, President