The regular meeting of the City of Scotland was called to order by Mayor Curtis Hofer at 5:00 pm on Monday, May 8, 2017. The following council members answered to roll call Randy Thum, H. Victor Settje, Ron Dvorak, Sean Barrett, and Tim Asche.  Those council members absent were Joe Bouza. Others present were Finance Officer Tanya Bult, City Maintenance Employee Ray Beecher, Chief of Police Kirk McCormick, Damon Alvey, Peggy Schelske, and Greg Gemar (5:16pm).  The 10th and 14th of March meeting minutes were approved upon a motion made by Thum, second by Asche. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Finance Officer’s Report - In April fifty-eight notices of intent to disconnect service letters were mailed out with zero being disconnected.  April Building Permits: Dwight Bietz - Finish Garage, Wyatt Brown - Fence, Wes Loomis - Remodel/Repair, Darren Gerlach - Siding/Shingles, Deb Kruse - Demolish Porch, Pam Godlevsky - Concrete Patio.  Lyn Wagner’s garbage was missed on Friday and he has requested a $4.06 credit on his next bill. Bult had a suggestion brought to the office: Instead of paying a rubble site monitor around $10 per hour wages why doesn’t the city just invest that money into motion cameras so the site can be open during day light hours. Bult also had several complaints regarding kids on golf carts. Bult spoke to the council regarding paygov as they provide credit/debit card and electronic check acceptance online, over the phone, and at office counter. These services are at NO cost to the city. All aspects of the service are covered by the nominal convenience fee assessed only to those who utilize the service. The city would receive all of the funds due, without bearing the burden of unnecessary processing costs or equipment fees. Jordan Zeller a community Economic Developer from Clara City, Minnesota stopped and asked to share some information with the Mayor and city council. The bills were presented and a motion was made by Barrett, second by Thum to approve the bills.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

City Bills Presented By:
AFLAC     Employee Insurance     $373.51
AMAZON     Library Books & DVD's     $251.29
ARAMARK     CareGuard Mats: April     $54.00
ARAMARK     Library Institute Meals     $94.70
AUCH PLUMBING     Campground Bath & Atkinson     $768.33
B-Y WATER DISTRICT     5,025,000 Gallons     $15,694.50
BOB GREEN     Reimburse: Pool Supplies     $675.26
CENTRAL FARMERS COOP     Diesel     $137.95
CENTRAL STATES LAB     Sewer Chemicals     $1,225.03
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Council/Mayor     $3,139.88
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Finance Office     $2,071.71
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Library     $707.62
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Police     $3,138.73
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Rubble Site     $88.11
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Sewer     $1,454.38
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Streets     $1,900.04
CITY OF SCOTLAND     Water Deposit - Auch, DeLong, Johnson     $140.50
CORNER GROCERY/LAUNDRY     Water Deposit Refund     $100.00
CYNTHIA SCHLIMGEN     Election Worker     $131.81
DAKOTA DATA SHRED     Equipment Rental     $15.00
DEB DUBRAL     Library Supplies     $20.74
DEMCO     Summer Reading Supplies     $289.16
DISCOVER BON HOMME     Dues     $250.00
GOLDEN WEST COMMUNICATIONS     Phone, Internet, and Fax     $428.34
GREEN AUTO     1991 Chevy Truck - Water Pump/Pulley     $256.79
IRENE AUCH     Water Deposit Refund     $19.30
IRS     Employee Withholding     $3,562.19
JESSE SCHLECHTER     Election Worker     $131.81
KIRK MCCORMICK     Reimbursement: Cell Phone     $100.00
LARSON SALES     Mower Supplies     $95.26
MAIN STOP     Gasoline     $313.78
MARY SMITH     Election Worker     $131.81
MC&R POOLS     Pool Supplies     $648.39
MYERS SANITATION     Residential Garbage Service     $4,856.25
MYERS SANITATION     3-City Dumpsters (April, May, June)     $210.00
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electricity / Natural Gas     $5,446.92
PAUL DELONG     Water Deposit Refund     $46.31
RDJ SPECIALTIES INC     Police Supplies     $120.51
SCHUURMANS FARM SUPPLY     Cap, Grease     $12.84
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Repairs/Maint & Supplies     $156.86
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Notices & Ads     $662.36
SCOTLAND OIL CO     Gasoline & Diesel     $700.67
SCOTLAND SCHOOL     Destiny Tech Support Contract     $275.00
SCOTTIE STOP     Gasoline     $250.73
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - MALT BEVERAGE     Male Bev Licensing Fees     $437.50
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - SALES TAX     Sales Tax - Garbage     $347.63
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - WATER SAMPLE     Samples - Water      $15.00
SD FINANCE OFFICER ASSOCIATION     Registration Fee     $75.00
SD HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCIATION     Registration Fee     $50.00
SD RETIREMENT     Employee Retirement     $1,559.77
SDSU     Library Institute Housing     $200.00
SETH JOHNSON     Water Deposit Refund     $68.89
SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT     Supplemental Employee Retirement     $680.00
TINA VANDRIEL     Reimbursement: Meal     $15.70
TYNDALL NAPA     Sewer Pump Belts     $137.94
VERIZON     Police Mobile Broadband     $40.01
WELLMARK BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD     Employee Health Insurance     $2,779.96
YANKTON JANITORIAL SUPPLY     Park & Rec Bathroom Supplies     $330.80

Ambulance Bills Presented By:
AMBILL ASSOC     Claims: Feb (1 ) & March (8)     $315.00
AMBULANCE WAGES     On Call / Trips     $838.47
IRS     Employee Withholding     $156.20
MATHESON TRIGAS     Oxygen     $26.45

S.A.A. Bills Presented By:
DAVE NELLES     Re-do Ball Field Dug Out     $3,900.00
KRONAIXL INSURANCE     Baseball/Softball Insurance     $496.00
LMV SOFTBALL LEAGUE     Softball Dues     $200.00
LMVC BASEBALL LEAGUE     Baseball Dues     $75.00
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Supplies     $65.73
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Coaches Ad     $70.08
SOUTH CENTRAL LEAGUE     Town Team Dues     $300.00
TESSMAN COMPANY     Supplies     $371.25

Chief of Police - Traffic Enforcement - Speed: 5; Parking: 1; Others: 3. Responded to - Suspicious: 2; Driving: 3; Misc: 6; Civil: 2; Agency Assist: 1; Parking: 2; Drug Paraphernalia: 1; Theft: 2; Animal: 1. Reports - Misc: 1; Theft of Library Materials: 1. Arrests - None.  Code Enforcement - Open: 2. Closed: 3. Other – Bicycle Safety at School, Fingerprinted 1 for day care licensing, Monitored Rubble Site 4 hours.

City Maintenance Employee Report - Trying to keep up on mowing. Working at the pool on the surge tank, patch repairs, and painting if the weather permits. Some repairs were done to the batting cage at the ball park. Summer help, one starts Wednesday the 10th and the other one starts on Monday the 15th. Received some gravel for the alleys but won’t start on that till the fiber optic is completed.

Address Public Concerns from Audience: Damon Alvey gave an update on the school building addition project.

Cemetery/Park Spraying - We received one bid from Jeremy - Maxwell Colony for spring/fall spraying at the cemetery ($1,050) and park ($320) totaling $2,740 for the year. A motion was made by Settje, second by Thum to approve the spring and fall spraying for both the cemetery and park. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

City Wide Clean-Up Update - As requested a breakdown of the expenses for city wide was discussed. Rough estimates are as follows - Tuesday: Wages - $264, Fuel - $200, 6 hours on Iron, 2 hours on burnable. Wednesday: Wages - $457.75, Fuel - $1,062.50, 17 loads. Friday: Wages - $457.75, Fuel - $437.50, 7 loads. Estimated cost to the city to have city wide clean was $3,000. A few complaints were brought to the office regarding the payloader leaving ruts in the front ditch area and poor repairing/fixing of the ruts by the city guys.

A motion was made by Dvorak, second by Asche to adjourn the 2016 - 2017 City Council Meeting at 5:26pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

                                                                                                                                 Cutis Hofer, Mayor

                   Tanya Bult, Finance Officer

Oath of Office - The oath of office was given by Finance Officer Bult to the 2017 - 2018 mayor and council members Curtis Hofer, Tim Asche, Randy Thum, and Sean Barrett.

The 2017 - 2018 City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hofer at 5:27pm on Monday, May 9, 2017.

2017 - 2018 City Council & Committee Appointments - A motion was made by Dvorak to nominate Tim Asche as Council President, second to cease nominations by Thum. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Dvorak to nominate Sean Barrett as Council Vice President, second to cease nominations by Thum. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

2017 - 2018 City Council Appointments
Mayor                                                                                                                                                      Curtis Hofer
Council President                                                                                                                                    Tim Asche
Council Vice President                                                                                                                            Sean Barrett
Council Member                                                                                                                                      Joe Bouza
                                                                                                                                                                Ron Dvorak
                                                                                                                                                                H. Victor Settje      
                                                                                                                                                                Randy Thum
Historical Preservation                                                                                                                           Tanya Bult
Finance Officer                                                                                                                                       Tanya Bult
City Attorney                                                                                                                                           Kent Lehr
Librarian                                                                                                                                                  Michelle Kass
Cemetery Sexton                                                                                                                                    Tanya Bult
Custodian of Records                                                                                                                              Tanya Bult
                                                                                                                                                                Joe Bouza
                                                                                                                                                                Tim Asche
City Health Officer                                                                                                                                   Dr. Paul Grow
Chief of Police                                                                                                                                         Kirk McCormick
City Plumber                                                                                                                                            Larry Auch
Official Newspaper                                                                                                                                  Scotland Journal
Official Depository                                                                                                                                   F & M State Bank
City Engineer                                                                                                                                           Kim McLaury
City Hall Rental                                                                                                                                       Tanya Bult
City Superintendents & Certified Operators                                                                                            Bob Green & Ray Beecher
Civil Defense Director                                                                                                                             Sean Barrett

2017 - 2018 Committee Appointments
Southern Missouri Waste Compact                                                                                                       Curtis Hofer
District III Representative                                                                                                                       Curtis Hofer
Fire                                                                                                                                                         Sean Barrett
                                                                                                                                                               Randy Thum
Water & Sewer                                                                                                                                       Tim Asche
                                                                                                                                                                Ron Dvorak
                                                                                                                                                                Randy Thum
Lights & Power                                                                                                                                       Tim Asche
                                                                                                                                                                Joe Bouza
Streets & Alleys                                                                                                                                      Sean Barrett
                                                                                                                                                                Joe Bouza
                                                                                                                                                                H. Victor Settje
Cemetery & Parks                                                                                                                                   H. Victor Settje
                                                                                                                                                                Randy Thum
Buildings & Insurance                                                                                                                             Tim Asche
                                                                                                                                                                Ron Dvorak
Finance & Purchasing                                                                                                                             Joe Bouza
                                                                                                                                                                Ron Dvorak
Swimming Pool                                                                                                                                       Sean Barrett
                                                                                                                                                                Randy Thum           
Emergency Care Council                                                                                                                        Tim Asche
                                                                                                                                                                H. Victor Settje
Code Enforcement                                                                                                                                  Curtis Hofer
                                                                                                                                                                Sean Barrett
                                                                                                                                                                Joe Bouza
                                                                                                                                                                Ron Dvorak
Board of Health                                                                                                                                       Tim Asche
                                                                                                                                                                Joe Bouza
                                                                                                                                                                H. Victor Settje
Yard Waste (Rubble Site)                                                                                                                       Randy Thum
Library Board                                                                                                                                          Tim Asche
Economic Development                                                                                                                          Curtis Hofer

Economic Development - Greg Gemar spoke to the council regarding the lot on the corner of Main Street and Korb as the development group sold that to the HRC. The HRC is in the process of purchasing a 3 bedroom governors home with basement and attached garage to sell. Next was the lot on the corner of First Street and Main. Gemar spoke about the possibility of deeding this lot to the city as insurance and maintenance costing them about $1,000 a year. A question was raised that if the city would ever sell the lot would the city be willing to give a portion as a donation back to the economic development. It was table until further information could be obtained.

Land Acquisition - The city has started the application process filing a solid waste facility permit with the SD DENR. This application is for the construction and operation of a restricted facility to bury dilapidated structures. The first step of contacting surrounding land owners is complete. The next step is to get authorization from state environmental departments which we received approval from one of the three. It was decided to table the land acquisition to June meeting.

Swimming Pool Rates - A motion was made by Asche, second by Thum to adjust the pool rates accordingly: Child Daily Pass $2.00, Adult Daily Pass $3.00, Single Season Pass $40.00, Family Season Pass $75.00. Family passes are limited to adults and children living in the same household. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Traffic Ordinance First Reading - Officer McCormick presented his suggested changes to the ordinance which included but not limited to: Remove section 8.0208 regarding snow removal street parking from Chapter 8 - Streets and Alleys to Chapter 6.  Add unlawful parking rules #12 other than parallel with the edge of the roadway, headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement, except where the street is marked or signed for angle parking; and #13: occupying or blocking any part of more than a single marked parking space. Removed Poplar Street from the truck route. Reworded several sections for simplicity and used wording consistent with SDCL and adjusted some fines. A motion was made by Thum, second by Barrett to approve and pass the first reading. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Water Ordinance First Reading - With the average disconnect notices growing the suggestion from the water committee and finance officer was to change the late fee assessed on the 21st of each month from 10% to a flat rate of $25. It was also suggested to increase the permit to renew discontinued services from $25 to $50 during regular working hours and $50 to $100 after regular working hours. A motion was made by Barrett, second by Thum to approve and pass the first reading. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Malt Beverage License Renewals - Renewal applications were received from the Main Stop to renew their package malt beverage license, and the Scottie Stop to renew their package malt beverage & SD farm wine license. A motion was made by Thum, second by Dvorak to renew both licenses. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Wine License - A wine license application was received from Buche d/b/a Cash Smart. A motion was made by Dvorak, second by Asche to approve the new wine license. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Set meeting date for the June Meeting - The June council meeting will be on Monday, June 5, 2017 at 5:00 pm.

Mayor Hofer read a letter from the DENR: Congratulations to you from DENR! For fifteen consecutive years the City of Scotland public water system has met the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the State of South Dakota regulations. Fifteen consecutive years of supplying safe drinking water to the public is a remarkable achievement. It is our pleasure to present to you the Secretary’s Award for Drinking Water Excellence that recognizes your system and the system’s operation specialists that have demonstrated excellence in water system management and maintenance.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to enter into executive session at 6:09 pm for Personnel as per SDCL 1-25-2 Sub (1) Lifeguard Applications. All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to come out of executive session at 6:33 pm with no action taken. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Barrett, seconded by Dvorak to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

                                                                                                                Curtis Hofer, Mayor       

                   Tanya Bult, Finance Officer


South Dakota

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