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The Library Board meeting was called to order by Vice President Kristyn Walloch at 7:04pm on Monday, May 20, 2024. The following board members were present Dean Rettedal, Dennis Bietz, Becca Vitek and Damon Mogck (7:25pm). Those board members absent were Kim Abbink. Others present were Billie Jo Hays, Sandy Freier and Tanya Bult.

A motion was made by Bietz, second by Walloch to approve the March 4th meeting minutes. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Statistics - Second quarter monthly statistics were reviewed as well as the library annual report expenditures for 2023 which included both city and school. The city had $3,500 remaining funds designated for half of new computers that were not purchased. The school had $14,250 remaining funds due partially to no requisitions to purchase books/supplies were submitted and half of new computers that were not ordered.

Library Board Updates - A lengthy discussion was had regarding the library bylaws, policy manual and the joint exercise of governmental powers. Further discussion was had regarding filing returned books properly, missing books and student library aides. It was recommended to set a specific number of hours the school library will be open to the public per week. Public hours during the school year will be discussed once class schedules are set and school has started.

Treasurer Report - Current balance $7,696.40

City Library Director Updates - Billie Jo and Tanya are getting ready to finish up their junior year at Library Institute which is being held June 2-7 in Aberdeen. Staff is gearing up for the Summer Reading Program being held Thursday mornings in July. Bult stated what a joy it was working with Sandy in the library during the school year. Communication has been great between city and school library staff. Explained how important it is to expense budgeted funds to qualify for grants.

School Librarian Updates - Sandy has placed a requisition for books and is currently working on purchasing them. Recommended adding a suggestion box for future book purchases. She has enjoyed working with the students in the library. She is hoping they don’t put the library needs on the back burner this coming school year.

President - A motion was made by Bietz to nominate Kristyn Walloch Library Board President, second by Mogck. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Vice President - A motion was made by Bietz to nominate Kim Abbink as Library Board Vice President, second by Vitek. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer - A motion was made by Walloch to nominate Damon Mogck as Library Board Treasurer, second by Bietz. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Rettedal, second by Mogck to purchase up to $50 on Prairie Reader books in memory of Gary Pepper. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Public Concerns - Promoting the library, publish a wish list in April for National Library week, holding a monthly Saturday craft.

Next meeting date is set for Monday, August 26, 2024 at 7pm.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Vitek, second by Mogck to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
ATTEST:                                                                                      SCOTLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY
______________________________                                       ______________________________
Tanya Bult, City Library Director                                                 Kristyn Walloch, President