The Local Board of Equalization was called to order by Council Vice President Sean Barrett at 5:00pm on Monday, March 15, 2021. Those answering to roll call were: Tim Asche-Council, Jerry Nelson-Council, Dennis Bietz-Council, Damon Mogck-School and Chad Odens-School (5:01pm). Others present were: Tanya Bult-Finance Officer, Greg Schneider, Mary Jo Bauder, Donna Zimmerman, Jerry Baltzer, and Curtis Hofer (phone).
A motion was made by Bietz, second by Asche to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Property Owner Parcel Number Building Value Land Value
Jerry Baltzer $12,689 $8,520
A motion was made by Nelson, second by Asche to lower the assessed value of NA-D1 (buildings) from $12,689 to $9,000. Yay - Odens, Asche, Nelson, Bietz, Barrett. Nay - Mogck. Motion carried. This property is located at 611 Fifth Street.
With no further objections to review a motion was made by Bietz, second by Nelson to adjourn the meeting at 5:19pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
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Tanya Bult, Finance Officer Sean Barrett, Vice President